New year, new Numberdle variant! Ladle out some soup with Formuladle!
Didn't like Rationerdle, but still want a number-focused variant of Wordle? Well, try Factordle!
Like Wordle, but prefer numbers to words? Well, check out my new game, Rationerdle!
newSoftware! new_software! new-software! If you don't like the way one of those is written, use my new Emacs package to change the camelcase, snake_case, or dash-case of text.
Now live – a very beta version of bitcoin clicker written in Clojurescript.
newSoftware! new_software! new-software! If you don't like the way one of those is written, use my new Emacs package to change the camelcase, snake_case, or dash-case of text.
Does your Emacs feel unstable, window-wise? Top-heavy, lopsided, or uneven? Automatically balance it.
I find Emacs's search to be pretty great. Let's hunt down some ways to make it better. seek.
There are ways to reduce the amount of bugs in your code. The best way is to make your code someone else's code.
Testing buffer-modifying Emacs code. Because testing code is better than not testing code. Or head injuries, but this code doesn't help with head injuries.